Wolf as Stannis, riding to the labWill is “HODOR” and Steven is BranShirin is Sansa and Damon Little FingerRyan had to be JaimeRita is Cersei (Sorry Rita)DaeneRintisJie is Arya(hahaha)Damon, still Little Finger, and Chris as Varis (they have so much in common!), looking to Maester Pycelle pantAnd Aurèle as Tyrion (“staying aliiiiive!”)Megan as Margeray (at her flash wedding)
The whole Heyer House, casually hiking near Mendocino:
There were not much wolves (Starks) left so we had to expand! Left to right: Jie-Arya, Will-Hodor, Steven-Bran, Var(chr)is, Shirin-Sansa, Damon-Little-Finger, Ryan-Jaime, Rita-Cersei, Wolf-Stannis, Aurèle-Tyrion