Jie Liu


E-mail: jtliu@ucdavis.edu

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of S. cerevisiae Rad55-Rad57 proteins.

Scientific interests

Homologous recombination, DNA repair, and cancer research.


1995-1999       Wuhan University                    B.S.                 Biochemistry
2000-2006       University of Vermont              Ph.D.               Biochemistry

Work experience

Protein biochemistry, nucleic acid-protein interactions, fluorescence, enzyme kinetics, and cryo-EM.

Honors and awards

2005                Keystone Symposia Fellowship, Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO
2005                Workshop Oral Presenter (January 6th), Keystone Symposium on
Mechanisms of DNA Replication and Recombination, Keystone, CO
2003                DOE-EPSCoR Predoctoral Fellowship in Structural Biology


Cerqueira, P.G., Meyer, D., Zhang, L., Mallory, B., Liu, J., Hua Fu, B.X., Zhang, X., Heyer, W.-D. (2023) Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase IV overcomes Rad51 inhibition of DNA polymerase δ in Rad52-mediated direct-repeat recombination. Nucleic Acids Res 51:5547-5564

Llorens-Agost, M., Ensminger, M., Le, H.P., Gawai, A., Liu, J., Cruz-García, A., Bhetawal, S., Wood, R.D., Heyer, W.-D., Löbrich, M. (2021) POLΘ-mediated end joining is restricted by RAD52 and BRCA2 until the onset of mitosis. Nat Cell Biol 23:1095-1104

Le, H.P., Heyer, W.-D., Liu, J. (2021) Guardians of the Genome: BRCA2 and Its Partners. Genes 12:1229

Le, H.P., Ma, X., Vaquero, J., Brinkmeyer, M., Guo, F., Heyer, W.-D., Liu, J. (2020) DSS1 and ssDNA regulate oligomerization of BRCA2. Nucleic Acids Res 48:7818-7833

Jenkins, S.S., Gore, S., Guo, X., Liu, J., Ede, C., Veaute, X., Jinks-Robertson, S., Kowalczykowski, S.C., Heyer, W.-D. (2019) Role of the Srs2-Rad51 Interaction Domain in Crossover Control in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetics 212:1133-1145

Liu, J., Ede, C., Wright, W.D., Gore, S.K., Jenkins, S.S., Freudenthal, B.D., Todd Washington, M., Veaute, X., Heyer, W.-D. (2017) Srs2 promotes synthesis-dependent strand annealing by disrupting DNA polymerase δ-extending D-loops. Elife 6:e22195.

Liu, J., Renault, L., Veaute, X., Fabre, F., Stahlberg, H., W.-D. Heyer (2011) Rad51 paralogues Rad55–Rad57 balance the antirecombinase Srs2 in Rad51 filament formation. Nature 479: 245–248.

Liu, J., Sneeden, J., W.-D. Heyer (2011) In Vitro Assays for DNA pairing and recombination-associated DNA synthesis in H. Tsubouchi (ed.), DNA Recombination, Methods Mol Biol 745:363-383.

Liu, J., Ehmsen, K. T., Heyer, W.-D., Morrical, S.W. (2011) Presynaptic filament dynamics in homologous recombination and DNA repair. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 46:240-270.

Liu, J., W.-D. Heyer (2011) Who’s who in human recombination: BRCA2 and RAD52.
PNAS 108:441-442.

Heyer, W.-D., Ehmsen, K., Liu, J. (2010) Regulation of Homologous Recombination in Eukaryotes Annu Rev Genet. 44: 113-139

Liu, J., Qian, N., Morrical, S.W. (2006) Dynamics of Bacteriophage T4 Presynaptic Filament Assembly from Extrinsic Fluorescence Measurements of Gp32-ssDna Interactions. J. Biol. Chem. 281(36):26308-19.

Liu, J., Bond, J. P., Morrical, S. W. (2006) Mechanism of presynaptic filament stabilization by the bacteriophage T4 UvsY recombination mediator protein. Biochemistry, 45(17), 5493-5502.

Bleuit, J.S., Xu, H., Ma, Y., Wang, T., Liu, J., Morrical, S.W. (2001), Mediator proteins orchestrate enzyme-ssDNA assembly during T4 recombination-dependent DNA replication and repair.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 8298-8305.